Like any professional, academic researchers can benefit from greater focus and awareness of choice. Where are you on your career path? Which direction do you want to go? How to get there? Personal and professional growth comes from periodic, guided reflection on these basic questions. Coaching is helpful for both junior and senior academics as it involves clarifying goals, reviewing the present, exploring the future, and breaking patterns. This service consists of one full day with 8 time slots for intense and confidential talks with an experienced and informed coach, who acts as a compassionate but challenging sounding board. This enables academic researchers to reflect upon their current and future career path, and to decide about the actions that will provide them with a more effective and meaningful life. The talks are in person or via Skype.
Goal: Enabling individual academics
Style: Coaching
Duration: One day+, 1:1 meetings, 8 slots of 45 minutes each
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